Reminder branding by species/location

Is anyone aware of a way to produce a different style of reminder (print-out) per species? We are primarily a feline clinic, but wanted to make our branding more canine specific when possible. The current reminder is highly branded -- and has cats on it.

We thought that perhaps there's a way to do this with locations... since templates can be tied there... but it seems that all the reminders would still pop-up in one place since it's a query on patients. Perhaps we need a separate set of reminders, as well as a separate location? Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Paul

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Re: Reminder branding by species/location

Hi Paul

If you are talking about sending reminders for vaccinations you would create reminder types for Annual Vaccination Dog and Annual Vaccination Cat, assign the templates to print to specific letters/postcards for dogs and cats.  With your products change the reminder settings to go to cat or dog as needed.

The same could be done with spey & castrate.  But as to OTC or medications I think it would need to be a general reminder for all species as you would be charging the same product to both species.


Re: Reminder branding by species/location

Thanks Cath. Unfortunately that means we'd have to have a separate set of products (that have reminders) for cats and dogs as well right?... because if it's keyed off the reminder, which is linked to a product, it wouldn't be able to distinguish between the dog and cat version when we sold a product (I believe). Many of our products are segregated by species already, but most aren't...

Cheers, Paul

Re: Reminder branding by species/location

Hi Paul

Yes seperate products, works for vaccine but not ideal for all species products - not good for stock control.

Most practices use letters or postcard reminders.  For vaccine these can be species specific but other product reminders then they put general species information or all species on the postcard picture.


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