Reminder report - looking for a data dump report
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 23/08/2016 - 01:52
Does a report exist that is just a data dump of all reminders in the system? I see reports for single clients, reports that show all reminders sent and several for sending reminders but nothing that just lists all reminders due.
The fields I would be interested in would be client name, pet name, reminder due, due date (future and past).
Am I just overlooking where this currently exists?
Thanks, Alan
Re: Reminder report - looking for a data dump report
I'm not aware of any, but the following SQL could be used as the basis of such a report.
Re: Reminder report - looking for a data dump report
Alan - I have updated the resource library versions to provide the ability to find customers/patients with either:
a) no reminders of the specified type(s) - if 'Include None' is checked; or
b) who have current reminders - if 'Include Current' is checked; or
c) whose reminders are overdue if 'Include Overdue' is checked
Regards, Tim G