Reminder Reports vs Reminder Listings


We're printing out a REPORT via the report tab on the reminders page before we process reminders, this report lists all patients with reminders coming up in that particular date range.

We also print a reminder LISTING when we process the reminders as we have lots of reminders going to the listing so that we can contact the clients when they haven't responded to their initial  reminders.

Both of these print out with the heading PATIENT REMINDERS so it's easy to get the printouts mixed up. Would it be possible to have the report print out with the heading REMINDER REPORT on each page, and the listing print out with the heading REMINDER LISTING on each page?


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Re: Reminder Reports vs Reminder Listings

Hi Sandra,

Unfortunately no as same report template currently used for both purposes and report has no idea if it was invoked from the Report button or as part of the Send ALL processing.  

Only option is a new report you can invoke from Reporting -> Reports but this has limited use as it cannot do the complicated reminder count processing that the reminder workspace does.

Cheers Tony

Re: Reminder Reports vs Reminder Listings

Thanks for the reply Tony!


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