Submitted by Guest on Fri, 19/07/2013 - 12:42
I havent experimented but does anyone know if its possible to generate 2 reminder for the 1 reminder during the same period.
1st Reminder Emailed.
2nd Reminder Emailed & Posted or with the new SMS (smsed)
3rd Reminder - Phone call list and call
I think there neads to be some consideration given to allow certain reminders to force a method of sending during the reminder run, if you arent getting a response from email it is worth SMSind or snail mailing to see if contact details have changed etc.
Re: Reminders
OpenVPMS only supports one notification per reminder.
The delivery mechanism is determined by the customer contact details, not the reminder count, unless the template is flagged as 'list' or 'export' (1.7).
SMS reminder notifications aren't supported, although there is a project for it seeking funding
If there was a facility to nominate which contact type(s) to use, what would you do in the cases where a customer doesn't have that contact type? Just list it?