Email notifications


We seem to have dropped off the email list. Would it be possible to be re added or advise where I should check to make sure we are flagged correctly.



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Re: Email notifications

Bernie - click the 'My OpenVPMS' tab in the top line above, the and in the drop down list, click 'My Account', then the Notifications tab, then click the administer subscriptions link.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Email notifications

Thanks Tim, This seems to be the place to subscribe to specific topics. We previously would receive an email when new items had been posted. We are not recieving any now however I did receive the one about our post and your response but that is it.

Maybe there is another place I need to check the setup but I am not sure what has changed it.



Re: Email notifications

Try the following:

1. Go to My OpenVPMS -> My Account

2. Click Notifications

3. Click Forums

4. Tick the "General User's Discussion" box, and set Interval to "As soon as its posted"


-Tim A

Re: Email notifications

Thanks Tim,

Seems to be coming thru ok with that change so will keep monitoring.


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