Reminders Statistic Report


I am wanting to use the reminders statistic report to track the success rate of our reminders. I was wondering how the output data is collected and organised in the report so as I can interpret the results. Does the report look at which clients have been sent a reminder and then if they have then been invoiced in that same period for whic the report has been run?? It seems most of the data I get when I pull a report for a certain month appears in the 'No reminder sent column'??


Many thanks in advance,


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Re: Reminders Statistic Report

Each reminder can store the following

1. When it was created.

2. How many have been sent (it increments when you do a reminder run that reminder is valid for)

3. Whether it was "COMPLETED" or "CANCELLED". and the DATE it was COMPLETED.

4. When it was DUE

The dates you enter are based on REMINDER DUE DATE

A reminder is marked as a +ve response if it is completed. ( A reminder is usually completed by the invoicing of another reminder in the same reminder group)

A reminder is marked as -ve response if it is cancelled or not completed.

If a person responds before you you sent any it is marked as responde with 0 reminders sent.

I assume that a no reponse count at 0 indicates a cancelled reminder without it being sent.

The percentage is the number of positive response / total sent.

Hence in looking at the report it isnt reporting on response based on number actual reminders sent more so response based on the reminders u have in the system. 

Example below. sorry about the formatting.

Reminder Type     No reminder Sent         1 reminder Sent       2 reminders Sent   3+ reminders Sent     Total          
        No Resp.  Response      %            No Resp.  Response      %      No Resp.  Response      %    No Resp.  Response      %      No Resp.  Response  Total      %      
  Canine C3 Vacc     0 1     50.00%     0 0 0.00% 0 1 50.00% 0 0 0.00%     0 2   2 100
  Canine C5 Vacc     7 5     2.60%     4 67 35.10% 12 38 19.90% 41 17 8.90%     64 127   191 66.50%

Hence I had 191 C5 vaccinations due in the period I selected.  Of these 7 were cancelled before I sent any reminders.  5 were done before I sent reminders. After I sent the first reminder for each vaccination I got 67 responses. 4 cancelled.  After I sent a 2nd reminder a further 38 responded.  12 Cancelled.  After the 3rd reminder (in our case we call them) 17 responded and 41 didnt respond (thats the last reminder we send so in this case it includes NO response and cancelled).

In total for my 191 reminders in that period that were due I got 66% back thru the door for a repeat visit...probably needs work!

SQl for the report is below.

sum(if(reminderCount= 0 and (reminderStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" or reminderStatus = "CANCELLED"),1,0)) as rem0Incomplete,
sum(if(reminderCount= 0 and reminderStatus = "COMPLETED",1,0)) as rem0Complete,
sum(if(reminderCount= 1 and (reminderStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" or reminderStatus = "CANCELLED"),1,0)) as rem1Incomplete,
sum(if(reminderCount= 1 and reminderStatus = "COMPLETED",1,0)) as rem1Complete,
sum(if(reminderCount= 2 and (reminderStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" or reminderStatus = "CANCELLED"),1,0)) as rem2Incomplete,
sum(if(reminderCount= 2 and reminderStatus = "COMPLETED",1,0)) as rem2Complete,
sum(if(reminderCount>= 3 and (reminderStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" or reminderStatus = "CANCELLED"),1,0)) as rem3Incomplete,
sum(if(reminderCount>= 3 and reminderStatus = "COMPLETED",1,0)) as rem3Complete,
sum(if(reminderStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" or reminderStatus = "CANCELLED",1,0)) as remTotalIncomplete,
sum(if(reminderStatus = "COMPLETED",1,0)) as remTotalComplete
from (
select as reminderType,
a.activity_end_time as dueDate,
a.status as reminderStatus,
ad1.value as reminderCount,
ad2.value as reminderCompleted
from acts a
left outer join act_details ad1 on ad1.act_id = a.act_id and = "reminderCount"
left outer join act_details ad2 on ad2.act_id = a.act_id and = "completedDate"
inner join participations prt on prt.act_id = a.act_id and prt.arch_short_name = "participation.reminderType"
inner join entities rt on rt.entity_id = prt.entity_id
a.arch_short_name = "act.patientReminder" and like $P{Reminder Type} and
date(a.activity_end_time) between $P{Reminder Due Start} and $P{Reminder Due End}) as reminders
group by reminderType 


SQL is above

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