Referral Vet Email Linked to Email addresses

Hi All,

As a referral facility it would be very useful to have the email of the referring vet linked to the patient email function.

That is when we hit the email button the email address associated with the referring vet associated with that patient would appear in the drop down "To" field.

From the JIRA it seems this would be a relatively easy modification. Wondering if anyone else is interested in having this implemented?



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Re: Referral Vet Email Linked to Email addresses

Hi Adrian,
We would definitely be interested in supporting this project. I am heading overseas for a year, but Sam Snelling will contribute to the funding if its a goer.

Re: Referral Vet Email Linked to Email addresses

This should be available in 1.6. If the patient has a referring vet linked, and that vet has an email address, it will appear in the list of "To" addresses.

If you want it to also display the vet's practice(s), then this is not currently supported but would be simple to add.


Re: Referral Vet Email Linked to Email addresses

Hi Greta,

My work around to this was to add the clinic email address to each referring veterinarian.... :)

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