Report Download Instructions
Submitted by dadmin on Sun, 26/05/2013 - 09:37
We've typed this instruction document (that is attached) on how to download reports from the website and save them into OpenVPMS. I thought other users may find this helpful.
How to Download & Setup a Report on OpenVPMS
Downloading the report and saving it to our system
- Right click on the Report attachment and select ‘save target as’
- Save in your preferred location with the file name extension of a full stop immediately after the name and the letters jrxml, eg: Cash Sales Report.jrxml
- SAVE AS TYPE = ALL FILES and click on SAVE.
Adding a template & loading the Report into OpenVPMS
- Name the report
- Select the template type
- Set the User level
- Set the Report Type
- Set the Paper Size
- Select the Orientation
- OK
- Click on EDIT
- Click on SELECT and BROWSE to locate the file you saved earlier
- Select the file to load in OpenVPMS
- Click on SEND and then OK.
Downloading Reports from the website and importing into OpenVPMS.doc