report to give statistics for visit reason during a period

Is there someone who have created a report to create a statistic for visit reason in a given period?

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Re: report to give statistics for visit reason during a period

I don't know of one, but I can build one for you.

Q1. What version of OpenVPMS are you running?

Q2. I assume that the input parameters should be From Date, To Date, practice location

Q3. Do you want a 'show details' option to show details of each visit (and not just the totals of each visit reason) ? (If not I can use count_distinct(reasonCode) in the SQL)

Q4. Do you want customer account type/classification selection ? (Less work if not)

Q5. All visits (ie in progress and complete) or just status=completed?

Q6. I assume that the From/To date selection should work on the visit start time and not the visit end time (which will not be set if you want to include in-progress visits)

Q7. Any other stats needed? (eg average visit lenght [end-start time] for each visit reason?

Q8. Anything else I forgot?

Regards, Tim G

Re: report to give statistics for visit reason during a period

Hi Tim

It's just to get a stat of the count of different types of visit during a period to monitor effect of different marketing activities or different distribution of visit reasons during the year(s).


Answer Q1: 1.9

AQ2: perfect

AQ3: no need for details just totals of each type during the period

AQ4: No

AQ5: all visits independent of status

AQ6: only start time

AQ7: No

AQ8: Don't think so..Currently there is an option to use Venom Visit codes - we don't currently so if this might make sense as an option.






Re: report to give statistics for visit reason during a period

Lars - see

Yell if you want changes.

Regards, Tim G

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