
Hi - just wanted someone to point me in the right direction.

I want to run some reports and really dont know the ones I need.

I would like to track on a monthly basis the number of consults, number of revisits as a clinic and by individual vets. Also the amount of money spent per visit per vet.

Thanks Anna

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Re: Reports

Anna - I think that the first thing to do is to clarify the terms: consults, revisits and visits.  From a money point of view the system thinks best in terms of invoices. We have a sales by clinician/location report which outputs information like the following: 

and whose explanatory text is:

This report uses the Description set for the user. If the Description starts "Dr " then the sales for that user are reported individually; if not then the sales for that user are lumped into the 'Staff' totals.
The Start and End dates are inclusive - ie sales from 00:00 on the start date through 23:59:59 on the end date.
The totals are the total of all invoices less any credits but does not include adjustments.
The invoice counts include credits but not any $0 transactions.
The '--unspecified--' includes Over The Counter sales, and sales to customers where no clinician is specified.

We also have a sales by location/clinician version of the above which just orders the data differently.

So I suspect these are counting most of what you want - though they do not do 'month by month' - just the specified period.  However - there is no concept of a 'revisit' - is a revisit when a customer gets more than one invoice in the specified period, or is it when this is not the only invoice ever for the customer?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Reports

Hi Tim- thanks for your reply - just cannot find the report to upload - Sales by Clinician and Locationon the shared resources?

The one we have is the Clinician sales report - clinician sales report v2.jrxml - that gives a figure and pie graph.

I just have basic computer skills ( as Tony would verify) and sometime struggle with the depth of the reply

As always - Many thanks, Anna

Re: Reports

Anna - no you will not be able to find the report in the community contributed set. It is one I wrote for the practice in Hong Kong.  What I was endeavouring to find out was whether this report would in any way suit your needs, ie

  1. do you need to count 'visits' or are 'invoices' acceptable?
  2. do you need month by month totals or is 'totals from date to date' acceptable?
  3. what is the definition of a revisit - is this 'not first ever invoice for customer' or is  it 'more than one invoice for customer in period N months prior to "to date"' ?

Once we ascertain the answers to the above, then if I figure that I could adjust the report relatively easily,  we could negotiate on a suitable contribution to the OpenVPMS coffers.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Reports

Thanks Tim - 

  1. do you need to count 'visits' or are 'invoices' acceptable? - would prefer to count "visits" and I suppose this could be done by product. So we would search for a product that we wanted to monitor. 
  2. do you need month by month totals or is 'totals from date to date' acceptable? I would like to check on a monthly basis - so either way would work - just put the dates in - this would be more flexible as could compare 6 months if needed
  3. what is the definition of a revisit - is this 'not first ever invoice for customer' or is  it 'more than one invoice for customer in period N months prior to "to date"' ? - a revisit is when the problem is rechecked - comes under a different product

What I want to do is track what our business is doing and who is doing what. So I want to run a report that tells me what the clinic is doing as a whole and what each vet is doing.

Thanks Anna

Re: Reports

Anna - one way to approach the problem is by product classification. That is, you create a Product Income Group (say 'XXX Stats') and assign key products to this classification.  Then the report looks for invoice line items having products with this classification, and sums the invoice total amounts for the invoices containing those key products.  This is the approach we have just taken for looking at the performance of our overnight emergency service (which handles walk-ins and referrals from other clinics) and the report output looks as follows:

[A New customer is detected when the customer record's dateCreated date/time stamp is within 24 hours of the invoice date/time.]

I suspect that this approach (but grouping by clinician rather than the customer's 'Referred By' field) might suit your needs.

Note also that if you look at the visit archetype (act.patientClinicalEvent) you will see that there is no link to the invoice(s) associated with the visit.  There are links to the charged items, so in fact it would be possible to adjust the way the above report gets its data so it goes in via the visits rather than looking directly at the invoice line items.  However, I suspect that the output would change little (since in the majority of cases there will be one invoice per visit and thus the invoice counts in the above would closely match the visit counts).

Regards, Tim G

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