Restricting How Users Charge Items


This appears not to be a feature in OpenVPMS yet and so I was interested in finding out what people thought of it. If it is worthwhile, workarounds, worth getting it costed for implementation, etc.

I would like the ability in to be able to:

- Set minimum quantities for items (i.e. minimum quantitiy of 1 vial of cephazolin - so people can't charge 1/2 a vial, etc).

- Set increments in which items can be charged (so I can specify for example that x-rays should only be able to be charged in increments of 1, while something like amoxyclav injectable can only be charged in increments of 0.1).

- Prevent non-administrator users from changing unit prices and fixed prices (not sure if this is already possible or not).

The idea would be this would allow us to controll billing better (reduce discounting) and possibly gain better stock control.




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Re: Restricting How Users Charge Items


So I see this is a fairly old post.

Would someone be able to tell me if this was ever implemented and if so where I would set this up or Adrian did you sort out a work around for this?

And if the full vial is charged how would this reflect on the patient records as you would only want the correct dose to show.




Re: Restricting How Users Charge Items

Hi, I believe minimum charges will be implemented in 1.9 ( I don't believe the other items have been actioned.

Kind Regards,


Re: Restricting How Users Charge Items

Yes - the minimum bit went in on the 30 May snapshot (7089) as per:

  • OVPMS-1768 Charge and estimate minimum quantities
    See Minimum Quantities in the Practice.

Not the others

Regards, Tim G

Re: Restricting How Users Charge Items

Minimum quantity support has been implemented for 1.9, but may not help in this case, as the quantity and dose are the same thing. If you charge a full vial, that is what appears in patient history, not the dose given.

To support your scenario, you could set the fixed price to that of a single vial, and not use a unit price.

You can prevent users from editing fixed prices, unit prices, and discounts, by making the corresponding archetype nodes read-only. This affects all users, including administrators.

Re: Restricting How Users Charge Items

Can there be an authority made for these that I can apply to roles?

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