Security Levels & "Check" tab on client account page
Submitted by bellvet on Wed, 04/02/2009 - 09:48
Is it possible for all staff to have access to the 'CHECK' tab at the bottom of the account page. At present only administration staff have this and it would be great for reception staff to be able to CHECK account balances that do not seem to make sense. I'm not sure what security level other users would have to be changed to, to be able to access this and what other area's of the system this would affect other.
Security Levels & "Check"
Hi Sandra,
Currently Check function only accessible to a user with an administrator category.
We thought balance checks should be a rare event and if it needed should be performed by a supervisor/administrator so they could first analyse why the balances mismatch and potentially inform the community about potential bugs that generate balance issues in the application ...
Security Levels & "Check"
Sandra @ Bellarine
I see your point. I probably use the CHECK tab and need to regenerate an account balance about once a week when staff come to me with account queries that they can't work out themselves. Should I be reporting these instances to you or on the forum?