Stock Control and Stocktake

We are in the middle of stock tack as I am sure everyone is.

Slight problem arose.

I have my staff doing a stocktack and checking product quantities off on a stock report, where there are descrepencies we are performing a Stock Adjustment to rectify the inconsistency.

yesterday we recieved an order in the morning into our holding area. 

A stock count on Feliway spray was done and found to have 0 on the shelf

The system was reporting a stock level of -1 so adjustment of the product back to 0 was done yesterday afternoon.

The order was then unpacked and the order finalised in the delivery workspace.


The order contained 1 Feliway Spray


I then check the product count in the product workspace...its still 0. 


Product 2

Hills j/d bag

Record in OPVPMS

Adjusted to 1 yesterday 25/6

2 arrived in order (arrived 25/6 ...posted 26/6)

Amount now in product workspace 0

Sales :  0 since yesterday


Its not really making any sense.



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Re: Stock Control and Stocktake

Hi Ben,

Did you adjust by diretcly editing current qty in product workspace or by adding a and finalising astock adjustment in the Stock Management workspace ?

If the latter did you finalise the stock adjustment ?

Cheers Tony

Re: Stock Control and Stocktake

You know how a year pass's and you forget that when it say "STOCK ADJUSTMENT" it means ADJUSTMENT not current amount....

I have some rather annoyed nurses to placate. .....trip to the bottle-o for me!

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