Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

Again wondering if others have seen this..

I have added a client to a worklist to order goods on the day they have collected some other goods. It is pending.

When the ordered goods have come in I have clicked consult so I can bill it and move to waiting to pay but it keeps picking up the finalised invoice from the other day rather than starting a new visit.

Again, any thoughts?


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Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

Im trying to reproduce this Bernie can you please run through it step by step.

Particular focus on when the first invoice is finalized.

Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

I have it happen a couple of times now.

First invoice was finalised on the 11/05 and the task created in the worklist.

Approx a week later I have picked up the task and pressed consult - this way it can be transferred once completed - at this point the charging picked up the original finalised invoice. Also the visit was comepleted.

I will continue to monitor.


Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

I have had this happen as well, but it seems to only happen (that I can see) if the original invoice was billed through "Charges", not consult or if the Visit is left In Progress.



Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

The ones that I have had happen are when charges are used not a visit.



Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

When you do a Consult, the most recent Visit, and the Invoice associated with the Visit, is used.

A Visit will be selected if it is:

  • In Progress, and less than a week old
  • Completed, and the appointment or task date >= the Visit start date and <= the Visit end date

In your case, it sounds like it is picking up a completed Visit dated around the time of the work-list task, whose Invoice is finalised.

I'm not sure of the best approach to handle this. Possible alternatives could be to:

  • display up a message to indicate that an old Visit is being used, and prompt to create a new one
  • prompt to create a new invoice if the current invoice is finalised


Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

Tim said

>A Visit will be selected if it is:

  • Completed, and the appointment or task date >= the Visit start date and <= the Visit end date

This situation occurs commonly where we examine a patient in the morning, visit is finalised/completed; then the patient is reviewed on the same day in the afternoon or evening.  We  struggle to create a new invoice to charge out the afternoon's visit bacause OV says the current invoice is finalised. Now I understand why we have a similar issue.

My preference would be to:

  • prompt to create a new invoice if the current invoice is finalised

as either

  • the client decides to purchase something else after the first invoice is finalised; or
  • the patient is re-examined later on the same day.

(either option may or may not warrant a new Visit, merely a new note on the same Visit).



Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

So if the current invoice is finalised, there should be an option to create a new invoice. This new invoice will be linked to the Visit active at the time of the consult.

A Visit may therefore have multiple invoices.

If no new invoice is created, charging won't be possible, but you will be able to review existing charges.

Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

Sounds right to me.


Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

I agree with Yuri. This option will be great. Currently we have to navigate to the client menu bar and click Charges|New to add a new invoice so if there's a way to reduce to clicks, that will be much appreciated.


Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

This is available in 1.6.1. You might want to hold off upgrading for a little bit, as 1.6.2 will be out shortly.


Re: Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

Ok, thanks Tim!

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

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