Stock Management

Message from Damien Solley


I'm hoping to use OpenVPMS for our stock management. However, I am having trouble with Stock Adjustments. 
When I add a stock adjustment for a medication, the stock levels (as reported on the Product and in the Stock Report) are changing erratically - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 
   For Product A, I have increased stock by 5 (and marked it Posted), but it does not change the amount in Product Information or the Stock Report. 
   For Product B I have increased stock by 30 items and it was correctly updated in Product Information and the Stock Report. 

   Now, when I add another stock adjustment to decrease product B by 30 items, it is not updated in the amount in Product Information or the Stock Report. 

Is there any documentation on this feature? Any tips on where I am tripping up?
Thanks in advance!

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Re: Stock Management

Hi Damien,

I investigated this and on all the occasions I processed adjustments and transfers it worked correctly.  The process I was using was create the new adjustment/transfer and save and then use the Finalise button to commit.

I then realised that maybe on some occasions you where updating the status to Posted directly before saving.  When I did it this way it didn't update.

I have raised a JIRA for this bug here

To resolve in the mean time use the first method not the second to finalise.



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