Stock Re-Ordering


We were wondering was anyone else having any issues with stock re-ordering, not picking up that items are sitting in a -1 (or whatever the number) that require ordering. We are having this issue on a regular basis :(


Any feedback would be appreciated :)



Pound Road Vet

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Re: Stock Re-Ordering

I assume you're referring to the Stock Reorder Report.

This may occur if:

1. The Supplier of the product isn't the preferred supplier

2. The Product-Supplier relationship has an End Date in the past


Both of these can be fixed by editing the Product, and going to the Suppliers tab.

For 1., make sure the Preferred box is ticked for the relevant supplier.

For 2., make sure the End Date is greater than today.

If that doesn't help, make sure that you are running the latest version of the Stock Reorder Report.




Re: Stock Re-Ordering


Yes i am referring to the stock re-order report :)


Preferred suppliers are ticked on the product and there is no end dates at all, just start dates.

I have uploaded the new report you have attached, will let you know how we go.

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Stock Re-Ordering

Also ensure that the Package Size is > 0.

Re: Stock Re-Ordering

I found one other thing that prevents re-ordering. If the stock is -1 and the critical and ideal quantites are 0, it won't order.  See

Regrdas, Tim G

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