Practice option for default medical records period

If the current system, the Patients|Medical records screen opens with the date range set to all.

In an old system (the one I am playing with has data back to 2002), this results in the retrieval (for long time patients) for more data than is really needed.

My suggestion is that there be a 'Medical Records Span' field for the Practice, and this contain a relative date (see ) - so that say -3y will set the initial From Date to 3 years prior to the current.

Two questions:

  1. if you are a real vet (I am not) is this a valid thing to do (ie initially look at only the last n years rather than the lot) ?
  2. is it actually going to give a real performance gain (obviously if one has a very sickly pet, it will have a large number of records in the reduced period) ?

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Practice option for default medical records period

Hi Tim,

I might be missing the point but at the moment for us visits are presented in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Also if needed I can filter by date.

My thought is that the "Filter By Date" function at the top of the Medical Records screen performs this function adequately. If I only want the last year or two back I can just change the "From" field. So essentially the function is already there?



Re: Practice option for default medical records period

Adrian - the problem is not the display order, it is the initial date range. When you call up Rover's medical records for the first time, you have no opportunity to say 'I only need the last 2 years'. The system retrieves everything - the screen shows the last visit or two, but you can scroll down or page to older stuff very quickly because it is all cached.

However, the system has retieved the lot when you didn't need it.

The suggested enhancement would allow the system to initially retrieve a subset of the full history.

Note also that becasue the system does not remember the date range between patients, you cannot call up Rover, set the dates for the last two years, and then call up FiFi and get only the last two years - you will get the lot as the date range is reset to all.

I am also driven by trying to get the performance up as high as possible. RxWorks might be a crap system, but when you call up Rover's history, it pops right up - admittedly you only get a visit at a time but the last visit appears quickly.  With OPV, you get the lot but you have to wait for it.

[Maybe a further performance enhancement is to have the system initially retrieve only the last N visits [N being a parameter set for the practice] and then set the From part pf the date range to show the date on the N'th visit.]

Regards, Tim G

Re: Practice option for default medical records period

You can restrict the number of Visits returned by adding the following to, which you create in <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/openvpms/WEB_INF/classes/

 act.patientClinicalEvent       org.openvpms.web.workspace.patient.history.PatientHistoryQuery,maxResults=5

This should display the last 5 visits.

-Tim A

Re: Practice option for default medical records period

Tim A - I apologise for the delay in coming back on this. I implemented the above, and it works WONDERFULLY. In fact I cut the maxResults to 3 so you get 3 visits per 'page' of medical history.

I have also add a Tuning section to the CSH text at

Note that the Hardware and MySQL sections of this can certainly be improved. What is there is essentially place-holder text.

Re: Practice option for default medical records period

I agree Adrian,

I see what Tim has said back but we do like to scroll thru everything and don't seem to have a delay with it opening.


Re: Practice option for default medical records period


I guess as a younger practice this has not been an issue for us. I don't notice an issue with load times and when we have I assumed it was because our server is getting a bit long in the tooth.

One potential issue I see with limiting the limited loading of histories is if text search becomes a reality in the future. If we get the ability to search to text in a medical record will it be a problem if the entire medical record isn't loaded?

I don't know if this is a "real" problem or not as I don't have the technical background.

Re: Practice option for default medical records period

With the method TimG is suggesting everyone can have what they want.  What he needs is to bring the some of the properties that you can set outside OpenVPMS into a user / administrator configurable screen.

User A wants to see complete history he sets the number of records returned to infinity ie removes the setting

User B wants the last 10 visits (they have a massive database and the load times for histories are detectable.  they set it to 10.

I think this sort of configuration should be bought inside the system, In the same way the current stylesheets (beta) system exists we could make the changes only for that session OR make them persistent(my preference)

Other things that could be configured

Background Colours, Logos, pending/checked in/billed/completed colours. 

All of this would be set via an administrator access and set at the program level.


Re: Practice option for default medical records period

This admin configuration screen could be combined with the home screen preference and autologout time projects we plan to fund.

Other things that would be great to be able to configure easily from a screen rather than getting implementor support would be autocapitalisation preferences.

Re: Autocapitalisation

In 1.7 a) there is better documentation - see ; b) 1.7 includes a more complete file [it is derived from the one I built it to handle the conversion from RxWorks so it contains most of the acronyns used].

Regards, Tim G

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