Tax remaining at -0.1c on Zero Inv


I am wondering if anyone has had this problem and if there is a remedy.

I want to discount an invoice back to $0 but the tax is still sitting at -$0.01 so therefore I get an error message and can not go ahead with the transaction.

Would anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?



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Re: Tax remaining at -0.1c on Zero Inv

It sounds like one of the line items' discounts is greater than the price of the item, making its total negative. This would make the tax for that item negative.

If this is not the case, can you attach a screenshot?


Re: Tax remaining at -0.1c on Zero Inv

Hey Tim,

I have applied a total discount for the complete amount of the invoice. I can try line by line if you think that would help.


Re: Tax remaining at -0.1c on Zero Inv

Me Again,

I had time so I did a line by line discount for each items amount and all at Zero now. Tax & Amount.


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