templateload.bat help is misleading

I had problems running the templateload.bat script on a new user's Win 8 system. First I invoked it with no arguments and got:

so I entered:
   templateload -f ..\reports\templates.xml

and it spat out exactly the same message.

The problem is that the script provides the -f and all you need to do is give the file name, ie
   templateload -f ..\reports\templates.xml

The script needs to be adjusted to remove the -f so the last line is as follows:

java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:../conf/log4j.properties org.openvpms.report.tools.TemplateLoader -c ../conf/applicationContext.xml %*%

Regards, Tim G


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Re: templateload.bat help is misleading

The issue is that the scripts set up the environment and command line to execute the appropriate java tool, whereas the usage instructions are coming from the tools.

It needs to be changed so that the scripts generate their own usage instructions.

Re: templateload.bat help is misleading

Tim - if you remove the '-f' from the java invocation then the java usage instructions are the same as the script.  All the others (except dataload) work like this - ie they pass the argument string on to the tool and rely on the tools usage instructions.

Recommendation: remove the -f

Regards, Tim G

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