Triennial Vaccine Reminders

Hi all. New user alert.

Can I ask how everyone else is handling triennial reminders? We thought we were clever setting them up so that a triennial vaccine reminder was generated whenever a triennial vaccine was billed, and then an annual for the first and second KC, but no reminder on the third - ensuring that the 3rd reminder was generated 3 years from the C5 NOT 1 year after the last KC. This accounted for the fact that most clients are a month or so late for each vaccine - meaning they could be 6 months late by the time the C3 is due again.

However, Open is cleverer than us, and the triennial reminder is cancelled as soon as we bill another vaccine. Do we simply have to suck up the late issue, and generate an annual reminder for C5s and KCs, and a triennial for C3s, or can we somehow stop the cancel order on the triennial component? Other suggestions welcome.


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Re: Triennial Vaccine Reminders

You need to set up the KC Vaccine as an annual vaccination reminder type, just the same as the annual c5 was. Then the triennial vaccine has a different reminder type. Ie triennial vaccine type.

Re: Triennial Vaccine Reminders

Thanks Garry

Just checked this, and indeed this is set up. Further pondering and checking has highlighted issue is actually for patients vaccinated with triennial PRIOR to conversion only, as they have only received an annual reminder in the conversion process. If they are then given KC post-conversion, this becomes the one and only reminder.


I think we will need to give the final KC an annual reminder till we can be sure all our triennial patients have been re-vaccinated with a C3 post-conversion. This will mean they will receive two reminders when their C3 is due - possibly weeks/months apart, but I can't think of another solution.


Might need to get better at checking the reminders when I vaccinate - can always delete the extra one if they come in before it is sent.

Re: Triennial Vaccine Reminders

When you find a patient with that was spose to have triennial you could add the c3 reminder manually at that point.  Alternatively if you still have the conversion transforms you should beable to backload the c3 reminders.  Ie load the subset of patient IDs that need them then load a c3 trienniel reminder for them using Kettle.  Your implementer should have done this ...I would go back and talk to them if you can.

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