Trouble adding a new visit or note wit h only certain clients or patients.

Message from

Hi, this only happens occasionally,

but with a patient that had a recent visit, all the subsequent visits have
appeared after the visit on the 17th, even if we book a new visit, check them
in and go through waiting room to do the new consult. I have also tried
entering a new visit and date and then adding new notes, finalised the
bill, still seems to be added after the 17th, any explanation? 



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Re: Trouble adding a new visit or note wit h only certain ...

Hi Ralph,

Sounds like a very strange issue.  Can I suggest you send the name of the customer/patient and actual visit dates to my private email and i can take a look at the issue in more detail.  May be easier then trying to provide generic information here. Hopefully will be able to post the reason/solution soon :-)

Cheers Tony

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