Updating Prices

Good morning - just wanted to see how other people adjust their prices on open.

I like the feature that we can look back to see when a product increased and by what amount. Also if Gribbles have a special price on a certain blood test we can have a start and end date.

I tend to update a product through PRODUCT -> PRICES but dont know if we should be using SUPPLIER tab to update the price? or is the later for changing suppiers?

Thanks Anna

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Re: Updating Prices

I do change prices thru the prices tab for items that don't come on an invoice. Drug suppliers I have the update box ticked so this increase will happen automatically.

Re: Updating Prices

From 1.7 you will be able to bulk update prices using excel or other spreadsheets




The updated feature will enable you to either overrride existing prices OR create a new price with a start and end date (thus creating a nice price history)

I would not update prices in the supplier tab becuase theoretically that cost is set by supplier and will change when you use the ESCI ordering interface.

Keep in mind if you manually change the COSTprice of an medication or merchandise that you order with OPENVPMS's ordering system if you have the AUTO UPDATE box checked that price will be overriden when the Delivery is finalized.

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