Vaccination Reminder Issue


Just wondering if anyone could offer me some information to this. 

We have a Reminder type set at Booster Vaccination for reminders to be sent to puppy and kittens for their 2nd and 3rd Vaccination. When I go to print these reminders I get the following error

Cannot print reminder. There is no document template for Booster Vacc with a reminder count of 0

Just wondering if there is something missing here when I go into the Reminder type the template for this reminder is there so not sure what is missing

Also in regards to emailing reminders to clients does this need to be set up individually in each client as they come in eg Adding email contact and selecting purpose email or is there another way to do it with all clients who have email addresses listed?

Thanks so much for your help 

Kind Regards


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Re: Vaccination Reminder Issue

Kim - second question first.  See [which is where you get to if you are running 1.7 and you press Alt-F1].

Note the bit that says: (but it is worth reading the lot - including the concepts at

So - you do have to set the purpose 'reminder' against each email address that you wish reminders to be emailed to.


As for the 'no document template' error - down the bottom of the above page it says:

Clicking on the link at the bottom take you to a page which contains (with lots of other stuff worth reading)


Hope this helps, Regards, Tim G

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