Warning about adding summary note not under the most current visit
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 07/02/2018 - 15:50
Hi All,
A common new staff member mistake for us is that they will accidentally add patient summary notes under a previous visit rather than on the most current (open) visit. This is a rookie mistake, but in a busy hospital it can be frustrating, especially with medical record locking active.
Could we have a warning dialogue box if you go to add a new medical record item that is not associated with the most current visit?
Similarly - could we have a warning dialogue box if you go to add a new visit and there is currently a visit in progress? Generally for when people inappropriately use the 'add visit and note' button.
Re: Warning about adding summary note not under the most ...
There is a JIRA for the former issue, scheduled for 2.1: OVPMS-1985 Warn when adding to a historical visit
For your other point, perhaps Add Visit and Note should be disabled if there is a Visit outstanding?
Re: Warning about adding summary note not under the most ...
Hi Tim,
Thanks for that.
For the first issue could the text be changed and incorporate the selected visit date?
For the second issue; - i like the idea of deactivating the add visit and note when there is a visit currently in progress.
Re: Warning about adding summary note not under the most ...
I've updated the wording in OVPMS-1985
but changed 'The current in progress visit' to 'The current Visit'. The Visit could be completed but not have an end date, and thus is still a candidate for addition.
For the second issue, I've added OVPMS-2010 'Prevent Add Visit & Note if there is an existing visit'
Re: Warning about adding summary note not under the most ...
Hi guys,
Sorry missed this discussion.
Could we also consider Completing any In Progress visits if the user elects to create a new one?
Is it true for most people that there is only ever ONE In Progress visit? How many practices require multiple In Progress visits?
This behaviour would help clean up our records with minimal clicks. The auto complete would use the most recent date of its members as the Complete date.
If there are users out their who require multiple In Progress visits, this might all need to be optional.
Re: Warning about adding summary note not under the most ...
agreed. Most old in progress visits are an error for us....