What Contacts need to be present to allow a reminder RULE that only LISTS to run?
Submitted by Ben_Charlton on Mon, 14/08/2023 - 11:08
I was reviewing reminder errors and noted that on one of our staff accounts (someone had been testing)
A reminder for flea and tick was generated the reminder has 2 reminders
at 0 days -> Rule 1 SMS, RULE 2 Email
In this case the email got sent because there is no phone number
at +7days -> Rule 1 List
This failed - no matching customer contacts. The customer has no phone and no address. just email.
I think that LIST should not really fail. I mean I agree its hard to call someone with no displayed phone or address. but still a failure is probably overkill
Re: What Contacts need to be present to allow a reminder ...
Hi Ben,
Needs a phone contact currently which I agree is probably not necessary but assumed.