Workflow cancellation

Hi all,

We've been experiencing a small difficulty regarding workflow (checkin), and cancellation of it. I notice that throughout the day, our nurses will often (somehow) fail to get an appointment and worklist task associated properly. My hunch is that it's because they're hitting cancel instead of skip at a couple places in the workflow. This means that doctors looking at the worklist will complete to bill a patient, but reception nurses will not see it happen on the schedule -- or vice versa.

Has anyone else had this difficulty? If so, I wonder how (or if) you've solved it. I have a couple ideas -- but training doesn't seem to be helping with this one. The problem is that muscle memory makes hitting the cancel button very natural (as opposed to "skip" or "ok", depending on the step)... and when things get busy, that's what ends up happening.

If I'm interpretting this correctly, a couple solutions I would guess at could be:

  • disabling the cancel button when in workflow,
  • popping up a message to the effect of "Are you sure you want to abandon the workflow?"
  • automatic completion of steps in the workflow upon hitting cancel
  • undoing all of the things that had been done during the workflow upon cancellation
  • configurable solution...

... probably in that order of difficulty?

Any input would be most welcome.

Thanks, Paul

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Re: Workflow cancellation

I think the best solution would be to pop up a confirmation dialog when cancel is selected.


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