Worklist changed overnight


This morning when we have logged on our waiting room and waiting to pay worklists have a lot of old entries on them that have been completed days ago. They were clear at logging off last night.

Wondered if anyone else may have a "funny" overnight?



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Re: Worklist changed overnight

Hi Bernie,

Does sounds strange.  Check the date on your server machine as may have changed.  Do the ones that reappeared say they are Completed ?  If so can you open them up and check the completed date and time?

Cheers Tony

Re: Worklist changed overnight

Hi Tony,

They are a mixture of in progress and billed. The server time in the bottom right of screen is correct.

I am not sure if there is somewhere else I should check?


Re: Worklist changed overnight

This also happens to our "Waiting Room" worklist every single day. That is when you look back at yesterday, or last week, all the Completed entries are sitting there, whereas they had gone at 7.00pm of the actual day they were completed. I thought this was how it was supposed to work. Paul

Re: Worklist changed overnight

Hi Paul,

Worklists do alow you to look back at historical information i.e what was in waiting room, hospital,surgery yesterday etc.  You can do this by using the day navigators.  This is actually a feature :-)

By default of course the current date is selected.  If you leave a session logged in overnight then it will still think it is yesterday until you refresh (re find) the worklist and it should pop back to the current days lists.  

I thought that Bernie's issue was a little different as they are indicating they are getting multiple days waiting lists entries re-appearing ?

Cheers Tony

Re: Worklist changed overnight

Tony wrote:

>Worklists do allow you to look back at historical
>information i.e what was in waiting room,
>hospital,surgery yesterday etc.  This is actually a feature :-)

My installation of openVPMS clears the worklist as soon as the client checks out: The worklist entry for a client cycles through "pending", "in progress" and finally "billed" when I've finished with it.  As soon as the patient is checked out at front desk, the entry vanishes from the worklist.  I thought this was the way it's supposed to work as I'd imagined the worklist is just that - current work.  It's my schedule view entries that stay so that I can look at historical information. When we finish for the day, my consultation worklist is blank, my hospital worklist is blank except for any overnight patients.

I've had a similar issue to the OP on two occasions over the past month: I had written this off as me being a "noob".  On the current day, some of the previous day's entries that had cleared from the worklist had returned with a label of "in progress" (as per the OP's comments).  If I try to delete that entry, I receive an error message "can't delete an entry that is Completed".  I then "edit" that entry (which says "completed") and change it from "completed" to "in progress".  I can then delete that entry from the worklist.

So the worklist view somehow gets out of sync: the worklist view says "in progress", but the underlying entry says "completed".

 Am I making sense here?


Re: Worklist changed overnight

The issue is that the worklist cache is not being updated to reflect the actual status of the task.

When you subsequently edit and delete the task, the cache updates.

It may be related to the task Started or Completed dates being changed, but I'll need to do some more testing to determine if this is the cause.


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