Medical Records Not Updating after editing charges

Hi Tony & Tim,

We mentioned at the meeting that we are invoicing our estimates first thing in the morning to generate an investigation for the inhouse bloods and then editing qty's of meds after surgery.

I believe you feel that the medical records should update to the qty's that have been edited but we are finding the medical records are holding the qty's as per the original estimate that was invoiced.


Bernie & Jannine

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Re: Medical Records Not Updating after editing charges

Hi Bernie and Janine,

I have tested this and can confirm it is a bug.  It is actually independent of whether charged from estimation or directly.

Will JIRA and hopefully we can fix for 1.5 final release. :-)

Cheers Tony

Re: Medical Records Not Updating after editing charges

I am sure you know we will be checking :)

Nice to know we aren't going crazy..

Re: Medical Records Not Updating after editing charges

This has now been fixed. The fix will be available in the 1.5-beta-3 release.



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