Worklist usage query

I originally posted this on the Developer's forum. Tim A suggested I might get a more useful reponse from users rather than developers. Note that 1.7 will include some 'streamline check-in' enhancements, one of which is to be able to define, for each schedule, which worklists are to be available when one checks-in a patient. Note that one can have more worklists than those shown as check-in targets (eg a to-do worklist), but it makes little sense to have this as one of the check-in targets).

I am trying to understand how I should state things in the Context Sensitive Help (CSH) text as regards the use of work lists.

Q1. If we have an 'by appointment only' business [eg house calls] should I write the CSH text to suggest that in this case there is no sense in using a worklist and that one should set up the schedule to have 'Use all worklists'=Off and have no worklists defined for this schedule.

Q2. If we have a normal practice with appointments, and with walk-in customers, should I say that there are two ways to handle the walk-ins:
  1) add them to the 'waiting room' (or whatever) worklist - this will bypass the weigh-in and document selection steps; and
  2) check the patient in from the Patients|Information screen - which will lead you through the weigh-in and document selection steps.

and that the second is the recommended way.

Q3. In a normal practice, are there any circumstances in which one would NOT want to check patients into a worklist?

Part of the reason for asking this is that as the code is currently written, if one sets up schedule with only one worklist attached to it, the worklist choice screen is still displayed and one has the opportunity of not using the worklist.  My feeling is that in this case, the selection of the one defined worklist should be automatic and that the worklist screen should not be displayed.  However, in this case one would not get the choice not to use the worklist, and I want to know if there are any circumstances that this would be undesirable.


I look forward to you feedback.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Worklist usage query

Q1. I imagine for an appointment only practice this would probably work as the scheduler would function as a work list.

Q2. There are two ways to handle this, but it seems sensible that option 2 would be the one most often desired. Walk-ins still need to be weighed, have documents generated, etc.

Q3. Not that I can think of, but practice can often dictate something different.

Sorry, not very helpful but hopefully a little helpful seeing as there were not any other replied to your queries.

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