Medical records search facility

The other day I was looking at a performance problem associated with relocating the server to another building. The complaint was that some attachments were very slow to open. I was using logmein to watch the vet in Hong Kong open the attachements. The PMS is still RxWorks, and I was watching the vet search for the attachment that gave her problems.  She was using the 'visit search' facility build into RxWorks because she could not remember the patient but did know that the visit text contained 'histopath' and she used this in the screen below to find the patient.

I know I can build a report in OpenVPMS that would provide this type of functionality - ie find me the patient(s) who have a Medical Records Note containing 'histopath' between some specified dates.

Is this sort of extended search capability something that would be commonly used (and thus worth building into the existing patient search facility (or a new 'advanced' patient search facility), or is it something that is a 'once in a blue moon' facility and thus quite reasonably provided by a report?

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Medical records search facility

The search function you mention would be a great addition to OpenVPMS. I would also like to see a query capability based upon the Transaction number used on both invoices and statements, as sometimes clients pay accounts by direct debit to our bank account and use the Transaction number from the invoice as a reference number on the bank transfer.


Re: Medical records search facility

Paul - I am not sure that 'find me an invoice with Tnx No 12345678' is the full solution.  The Hong Kong banks offer very little to identify transactions - there is no reference field.  Hence I was asked to build a report to find all customers with balances between specified hi and lo limits - the idea being that if $12345 arrives in the practice account, it is probably from someone who owes that amount. Would this be of use?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Medical records search facility

 Hi Tim,

Yes that would be excellent , and better still if it had some date fields, and was either a balance, or an invoice, or a receipt


Re: Medical records search facility

Paul -can you amplify - do you want the report to look for:

  1. customers with balance between $lo and $hi
  2. and/or invoice amounts between $lo and $hi with invoice dates from .. to ...
  3. and/or receipt amounts between $lo and high with invoice dates from .. to ...


or what ??

Regards, Tim G

Re: Medical records search facility


Each of these requirements are there. Specifically yes to 1.

And if its possable to do invoices or receipts with specific dates that too woyuld be great


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