[General Discussion] demo failure

It seems on my laptop I cannot access the demo. Its sends me on a loop to enter user name and password., pleas wait then enter user name and pass word. Any suggestions?

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Re: demo failure

Hi Dr Jim, Make sure user and password are correct; user = "Guest" password = "User1234" Make sure the password is cased correctly- ie. [b]U[/b]ser1234 and no spaces. If these points don't help can you tell us; [list] [*:d048233822]When it takes you back to the log in is your original User name and password attempt still in the boxes? [*:d048233822]What browser are you using (Explorer, Firefox) and what version (found in the "help" menu under "About ......").[/list:d048233822]

Re: demo failure

I noticed that the demonstration program doesn't start up when I tried to log in. Is this because there is an update happening and when are we likely to have access again?

Re: demo failure

I have also experienced this problem. The demo appears to load then asks for the username and password. You enter the username and password and click OK, but this appears to restart the loading process.

Re: demo failure

The demonstration is being updated currently and we are loading some new demonstration data so it will be unavailable until the end of this week. (10th February 2008) Sorry for any inconvenience.

demonstration program

I noticed the demo is working again. Just waiting for everyone to add new clients, histories and transactions! Thankyou.
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