install problem

Tony, I'm trying to do a fresh build, and I'm failing at the step To build the archetypes: > cd openvpms-archetypes > maven -Dmaven.test.skip jar:install Based on the error (shown below) and poking around the ibibio site, it looks like at least one of the directories that it's looking for do not exist. Where would I fix this? Thanks Lee Error text: __ __ | \/ |__ _Apache__ ___ | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~ |_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.0.2 Attempting to download spring-aop-1.2.5.jar. Error retrieving artifact from [ s/spring-aop-1.2.5.jar]: Unknown error downloading; status code was: 301 WARNING: Failed to download spring-aop-1.2.5.jar. Attempting to download aopalliance-1.0.jar. Error retrieving artifact from [ palliance-1.0.jar]: Unknown error downloading; status code was: 301 WARNING: Failed to download aopalliance-1.0.jar. Attempting to download drools-all-jdk5-2.1.jar. Error retrieving artifact from [ all-jdk5-2.1.jar]: Unknown error downloading; status code w as: 301 WARNING: Failed to download drools-all-jdk5-2.1.jar. Attempting to download janino-2.3.8.jar. Error retrieving artifact from [ 2.3.8.jar]: Unknown error downloading; status code was: 301 WARNING: Failed to download janino-2.3.8.jar. Attempting to download commons-beanutils-core-1.7.0.jar. Error retrieving artifact from [ ars/commons-beanutils-core-1.7.0.jar]: Unknown error downlo ading; status code was: 301 WARNING: Failed to download commons-beanutils-core-1.7.0.jar. Attempting to download oro-2.0.8.jar. Error retrieving artifact from [ jar]: Unknown error downloading; status code was: 301 WARNING: Failed to download oro-2.0.8.jar. The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependencies: spring-aop-1.2.5.jar (try downloading from aopalliance-1.0.jar (try downloading from drools-all-jdk5-2.1.jar (try downloading from janino-2.3.8.jar (try downloading from commons-beanutils-core-1.7.0.jar (try downloading from /commons/jxpath/) oro-2.0.8.jar (try downloading from Total time: 9 seconds Finished at: Sun Jan 14 23:10:54 EST 2007 C:\openvpms\openvpms-archetypes>

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Re: install problem

Hi Lee, Yes, ibiblio changed there default mirror sites so we had to modify the files as well. These changes should have been committed into svn and you should get these if you are updating from the trunk projects. Make sure you update all three projects as well. We are also going to make sure all libraries can be accessed from our own maven repository so thi sdoesn't happen again :-) Cheers Tony

Re: install problem

Also if you need to modify the yourself please change to following maven.repo.remote=,

Re: install problem

Thanks for the help Tony! Got it built and running. Could I ask another favor? Can you point me towards the files that I would need to modify to make a US-market friendly modification to the sample data and sample database? I want to change the address formats to <addr> <City>, <State> <ZIP>-<zip+4> For example, typically looks like Jim Smith 123 Main Street, Raleigh NC 27519-2234 Phone numbers are (area code) nnn-nnnn. Ex: (919) 555-1212 Also, would like to change to $, and Till to Cash. I wanted to mod it in the customers as well as the clinic addresses. All of this is in prep to show it to clinic owner in the US. If you point me towards the files to modify, I'll be happy to upload them back to you when I'm done. Thanks Lee

Re: install problem

Hi Lee, OK lots of places to do what you want plus more. In archetypes project: 1. Demonstration data can be found in src/data/org/openvpms/data/demo. These are xml files you can directly edit. I woudl add all the states into the lookup.xml file to replace the Australian ones. also add a country lookup and the relationships between the states and country. It will make sense when you look at teh xml file structure. Similiarly you can then change the customers.xml file to utilise these states and modify the postCode node data appropriately. 2. If you want to change the field name displayed on the customer and clinic contact screens you can edit the src/archetypes/org/openvpms/archetype/contact/contact.location archetype definition. Add a displayName attribute to the postCode node i.e displayName="Zip Code". You can add a regularexpression assertion as well to make sure entered correctly but probably out of scope at the moment. 3. To change the format of the addreses printed on invoices etc you willneed to edit java file src/java/org/openvpms/archetype/function/party/ and modify formatAddress method. Should be done in jasperreport definition so no code changes required. Will add that to Jira .... After making these changes you can reload archetype sand demo data into a clean database i.e maven clean jar:install hibernate:schema-export archetype:load data:load VPMS Project 1. You can change any of the application prompts and styles by modifying the src/java/org/openvpms/web/resource/localisation/ or src/java/org/openvpms/web/resource/style/ You can change Till to CashBox or whatever in the file. Also you can set date format and decimal number format here. Should be showing $ already if locale information set correctly ... Hope this helps. Kind Regards Tony

working out well, thanks

Slight mod to your clean build command: maven -Dmaven.test.skip clean jar:install hibernate:schema-export archetype:load data:load (I had to add the -Dmaven.test.skip or it wouldn't build.) Also, I'll move my questions out of the General forum into the Developers forum. Got a few more for you. Thanks again, Lee

US Addresses


I am wondering if some could be kind enough to post their modified files for US addresses?  I am unable to find the xml files where the addresses are being pulled from.  If they are java files, what are you guys using to modify them, notepad?  I haven't done any java stuff before.


Thank you very much.

RE: US Addresses


Currently the setup data that gets loaded when you run the

dataload setup

command in the bin folder of the distribution will load Australian states.

In order to make this load US states you will need to edit the setup.xml datafile found in the import/data folder in the distribution. You will find the following lines in that data file

I suggest you edit these to look like


You will also need to edit entries like


These link the states to the country.

Of course you can always just delete the states in the application and reenter if you are only doing this for a single install. This can be done in the Administration -> Lookups workspace. The first approach is handy if you intend to do this on multiple installations of course. Obviously you can also edit in the application and setup the software how you wish and then do a Mysql backup and utilise this as your base database for subsequent installations.

If you do end up editing the setup.xml file please send it to us then I will be happy to put into the next release for others to utilise.

Also remember if you are intending to migrate data from an existing software system it is probably best to populate these lookups from the legacy data. In that case we tend to run the base dataload not the setup one.

If you want to edit the contact.location archetype to change the names of on screen fields i.e Post Code to Zip Code do the following:

- Go to Administration ->Archetypes - Hit Find and enter *contact.location* in the search field and hot enter. - Select the displayed archetype (should only be 1) - Click Edit button - Click on postcode node in table and you will see node information. Edit Display Name field to say Zip Code rather than Postcode. - Click OK to save

Hope this helps.

Cheers Tony

-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, 24 October 2008 13:03 To: Subject: [OpenVPMS Users] US Addresses

Hi, I am wondering if some could be kind enough to post their modified files for US addresses? I am unable to find the xml files where the addresses are being pulled from. If they are java files, what are you guys using to modify them, notepad? I haven't done any java stuff before.

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Thanks that is easy

Very easy, thank you very much, the second approach works for me under administration > lookups.

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