[Subscriptions] Money - always a touchy subject!
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 14/02/2007 - 22:59
Hi Guys,
I am obviously a project virgin here so I need to explore the software, ethos etc. more closely so these thoughts are very much 'shooting from the hip', but I hope they are taken in good faith and generate some decent debate.
I rushed over to this project when I heard about it, but the brakes kinda screeched on when I saw the subscription model. Money for Open Source projects is always an 'interesting' subject and I can appreciate the arguments for and against having the paid subscription. Trouble is, that the issue is far from black-and-white, and the 'value' of cash has a different baseline when it comes to Open Source software. Here's a few points:
If software is free, people are more tolerant of imperfections and more patient waiting for them to be fixed. The core issue is the dichotomy between many people's perception of what 'Open Source' means and then seeing the word 'pricing'.
If money changes hands, people have an expectation of service delivery - that is: "I paid for it, you will support it". So how many dedicated support staff do you have at the end of a phone? I am currently looking at replacing the software across all our 30 clinics together with a sizeable chunk of ancient hardware so we are talking 'big numbers' - but you can be sure that my boss would go with the more costly option if he felt that the commitment to dedicated support routes was solid. As has been mentioned elsewhere, there is a significant cost in a site being 'down' for several days while the software supplier tries to fix things (believe me - I have been there - a 'simple' hard disk swap out and data restore recently took one supplier 10 days to get right and left us all fuming while they 'fixed' their software), but you'll see the irony in my last comment too - we pay around
Re: Money - always a touchy subject!
Prepaid Support
Re: Money - always a touchy subject!