1.7 5765 Stock Adjustment item Quantity misleading

We are about to start doing some stocktaking so I am building some tools to make this easier (an Export report to create a stocktake spreadsheet, and a Kettle transform to create a stock adjustment transaction to do the required stock adjustments).  This lead me to look carefully at the stock adjustment transaction.

I have realised that my original CSH text which described the Quantity field as the 'new quantity' was wrong, the Quantity field is the adjustment quantity.  I have updated the CSH text at http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/product/stock/edit/adjust

However, I think that it would be sensible to change the label from 'Quantity' to say 'Adjust Qty By'.

This requires a change to the archetype act.stockAdjustItem to change the Display Name of the quantity node.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 5765 Stock Adjustment item Quantity misleading


I think that's a very sensible change.

I always find it confusing myself and have had to do a second adjustment to our whole stock previously after a stocktake was entered incorrectly- that was painful!

Matt Y.

Re: 1.7 5765 Stock Adjustment item Quantity misleading

Sigh... just made the exact same mistake when doing our stocktake earlier today! I was going to upgrade to 1.71 after getting the stocktake over and done with. Now I'm sitting at home in front of the computer re-entering the adjustment quantity again...  Should have done some readup about stock adjustment first ><


Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: 1.7 5765 Stock Adjustment item Quantity misleading

Can you raise a JIRA for this please?


-Tim A

Re: 1.7 5765 Stock Adjustment item Quantity misleading

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