1.7 Alpha - CSH Query - Supplier|Orders|Check Inbox

How do I generate a message that will show up when I press the Check Inbox button so that I can document this?

Alternatively, can someone provide a screen shot of what is displayed when there are messages.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha - CSH Query - Supplier|Orders|Check Inbox

The Check Inbox button checks Inboxes for each supplier configured for ESCI.

If there are messages, a notification will be displayed on the message icon at the top of the screen.

The ESCI distribution provides a sample webservice that receives orders and generates order responses and invoices which you can use to simulate this.

See section 4 of the ESCI Integration documention: http://www.openvpms.org/fileuploads/ESCI_1.pdf



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