1.7A 5475 Initial Visit status confusing

When one does a check-in and is taken to the visit editor, the newly created visit has status 'Completed'. This does seem confusing.

When one presses OK on the Visit Editor, the visit status is reset to 'In Progress'.

The CSH text says that the visit status is initially set to Completed in case you cancel part way through the check-in. [But this was just what I wrote to explain the illogical initial display as 'Completed'.]

Would it be better if the logic was as follows:

 - create visit as 'Completed'
 - do document selection
 - do weigh-in
 - (about to display visit editor) set visit as 'In Progress'
 - show visit editor
 - if cancels - status goes back to complete

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7A 5475 Initial Visit status confusing

I think new Visits created by Check-In should have their status set to IN_PROGRESS, and set to COMPLETED to Check-Out.

I think the default COMPLETED status may be there for when a Visit is created via the Patients|Medical Records|Summary.

Raised as https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1366

-Tim A

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