stock reorder report

We have just started using the stock reorder report to generate stock orders, however items specifically ticked as "never order" are coming up for reorder. I have zero'd stock level, max & min, but as soon as it falls below minimum, it appears for reorder on the report. How do we stop this from happening?

On another topic, we have found irregularly appearing on some work lists, old clients or old messages that were deleted some time ago. AS you can imagine, this creates much confusion, for example, follow up calls on a list that were done and deleted, suddenly a week or so later, reappear!

Thanks for any help, Kerry

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Re: stock reorder report

Hi Kerry,

I dont believe the Stock Reorder report currently looks at this flag.  I would need to update it to do so. Will look into doing this for you soon ..

Would need more information on the work list issue.  Haven't seen any reports of this before.  One thing to do is to double click on the entry that reappears and look at the start and completed dates.  If the start date is the date that it reappeared then this entry was actually added in the future accidentally or maybe on purpose (you can add future dated work list entries which is handy for follow ups etc).  If the start date is a past date but the completed date is blank this means the completed date was somehow cleared making the entry re appear in the list ..



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