Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

In the Visit Editor, Meds have green background (BG); is it possible to change BG colour of Customer Invoice Item? I had a bit of a fossick around in default.stylesheet but can't see anything there.


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Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

Try adding the following to default.stylesheet:

     <style name="MedicalRecordSummary.act.customerAccountInvoiceItem"
            <property name="layoutData">
                <layout-data type="">
                        <property name="background" value="#00ff00"/>

This works in 1.7, but should also work in 1.6.


Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

Thanks, Tim that worked a treat, even on 1.6.2.


Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

I'm customising 1.7 with the changes from 1.6, and have gone to the default.stylesheet (DS) as above to alter the invoice item colours.

However the new DS shows            
<property name="background" value="${history.invoice.colour}"/> instead of the former
<property name="background" value="#ffffff"/>.

I've fossicked around looking for, but can't find, the location of ${history.invoice.colour}.  I've tried a forum search for history.invoice, but no results are returned (I thought it might be somewhere in 1.7's help files).

1. Where are these variables(?) located/stored?
2. In the meantime, can I just change ${history.invoice.colour} to say, #ffff80 ?


Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

Yuri - the history colours are set in - around line 130 which has:

 # Patient history colours
history.note.colour = '#ffffff'
history.problem.colour = '#ffb1c6'
history.medication.colour = '#ffecb1'
history.weight.colour = '#d1ffb1'
history.investigation.colour = '#ffffff'
history.invoice.colour='#ffffff' is in <TOMCAT-HOME>\webapps\openvpms\WEB-INF\classes\style

I have adjusted to mention these.  Apologies for it not being there before. 

Regards, Tim G

Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

Thanks, all fixed now.


Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

Staff love this, thanks.  Now almost only the notes are white, most other stuff is coloured, making notes much easier to read on-screen (especially as some items in the visit seem to randomly place themselves above or below the notes).

Being a pain, I know, while I'm on a roll, can I change BG colour for investigation, attachment, image as well?  I can't find them in def.prop or def.stylesheet?


Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

No-one here likes the BG colour (cream = #f2f3b3) on a selected item in the schedule as it's too easy to miss what's actually happening to that appointment (especially on our LCD monitors if you're not looking at the screen exactly square on - too similar to Pending, so it's easy to miss a waiting client if you haven't de-selected that client -> grumpy client!).    Previous versions of OV bolded the selected item, but didn't mask the BG colour.

Line 509 in default.stylesheet lists ScheduleTable.Selected, and has cream as the value.

Is it possible to disable "creaming-the-selected-item" and have just the underlying colour and bold/italic text?


Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

Try changing default.stylesheet to comment out the layoutData property as follows:

   <style name="ScheduleTable.Selected" type="">
            <property name="font">
                <font size="${font.size}" bold="true" italic="true">
                    <typeface name="${font.typeface}"/>
            <property name="foreground" value="#000000"/>
            <!--property name="layoutData">
                <layout-data type="">
                        <property name="background" value="#f2f3b3"/>

Re: Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

You can change the investigation colour with the history.investigation.colour property.

You'll need to add the following to default.stylesheet to change the document colours:

     <style name="MedicalRecordSummary.act.patientDocumentAttachment" type="">
            <property name="layoutData">
                <layout-data type="">
                        <property name="background" value="${history.attachment.colour}"/>

    <style name="MedicalRecordSummary.act.patientDocumentForm" type="">
            <property name="layoutData">
                <layout-data type="">
                        <property name="background" value="${history.form.colour}"/>

    <style name="MedicalRecordSummary.act.patientDocumentImage" type="">
            <property name="layoutData">
                <layout-data type="">
                        <property name="background" value="${history.image.colour}"/>

    <style name="MedicalRecordSummary.act.patientDocumentLetter" type="">
            <property name="layoutData">
                <layout-data type="">
                        <property name="background" value="${history.letter.colour}"/>

Then add the corresponding properties to

 history.attachment.colour = '#ffffff'
history.image.colour = '#ffffff'
history.form.colour = '#ffffff'
history.letter.colour = '#ffffff' 

Raised as


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