company name on accounts

We have found that when you put a company name customer information as well as the clients name, on the bill it only has the clients name on it. So if they need the account/receipt in the company name we need to change the clients name to include company name???? Can we get the company name ( if there is one) to be printed on account/receipt. Hope this makes sense.


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company name on accounts

Hi Melissa,

I think this may have changed when you merged the two customer types (person , organisation) and added a companyName filed on the merged one.  The getPartyFullName function that may be used in some templates used to distinguish the format of the full name from the customer type.  With Person it formated the name  <title> <firstname> <lastname> and organisations as just <name>.  Now with the type gone it only uses the former and hence your issue.

We can definitely fix the getPartyFullName function in 1.5.  I will assume that if a company name is present this should be returned only ? 

Or do you want to have some formatted company name and first/last name ?  i.e Acme Horse Sud (Mr John Smith)

To solve in the mean time you can change the field in the Statement template to check for a company name and use this or the formatted full name if not there.  The field expression would be something like this:

($F{[party.getCustomerNode(.,'companyName')]} == null) ? $F{[party:getPartyFullName(openvpms:get(.,'customer.entity'))]}: $F{[party.getCustomerNode(.,'companyName')]}

or if you are happy for the standard name to be in the format    Lastname, FirstName you can just use


If you are not confident with iReport to modify the template your implementer can do it for you. :-)



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