Feature requests
I have a couple feature requests from our staff that I'd like to pass along:
1. Add some notification that there are notes on a customer account (not patient). We're using alerts for some things, but other things are just logged as notes. The staff won't remember to look in notes all the time, so having some indicator that notes are available would be good for business. I'm thinking of something like the little bell that shows up for patient alerts/reminders.
2. Here's a write-up from the staff on the second item:
This would be great for the FVRCP and FELV vaccines, that right now, we have to keep a paper log on the refrigerator. Whenever a vaccine is invoiced, this information would be stored in their patient record.
For the Rabies, having to repeatedly type in the following information is tedious and time consuming. I have attached a screen shot of the window where we enter all the information.
Here is an example of what needs to be entered each time:
Merial Purevax Rabies (Vaccination Product)
17378B (Lot/Serial #)
Re: Feature requests
1. Any reason you can't use customer alerts for this purpose?
2. I think the new Product Batches feature in OpenVPMS 1.8 covers this:
Product Batches
Product batches can now be tracked, during charging and dispensing.
This can be used to:
Batches are created via the Product|Batches screen, or by finalising a delivery that contains batch information.
You can try it out in the 1.8-beta-1 release.
Re: Feature requests
Paul - I agree with Tim A re the customer note notification. The customer alert facility has more features than the customer note facility (ie end time, priority) and the same 2000 character note text.
There are two ways to transition from notes to alerts: a) gradual - tell users to use alerts for the stuff they want to warn of the in the left panel; b) switch - use some sql to change the existing notes into alerts.
If you want to survey the amount of information, I have a report that displays notes & alerts. The selection screen is:
Output is:
You can gather from the above that we make extensive use of alerts to flag the customer importance (as silver/gold/platinum depending on their business volume) and how we process them (do they want invoices via email).
Yell if you want it.
Regards, Tim G
Re: Feature requests
This is great. Thanks so much for your comments guys. Looking forward to 1.8... may give beta a try -- but always hesitant to put betas in a production environment. :)
Cheers, Paul