Forum History



Just been reading some very complicated convos between Tim G and Dave mason and thinking I would like to come back to them one day when I have more time.

Is there somewhere that shows me where I have made comments on a thread? If not, why not!

It would be nice to save(apart from screen shoting) a thread a bit like on facebook, so I can come back later!





PS. is is shotting or shoting? Dictionary doesn't like me either way!

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Re: Forum History

Garry - click on your 'My Profile' link and then click the 'Track' tab. This shows every post that you either authored or commented on.

So if you want to come back to somebody else's post at a later date, it is worth putting in a comment saying 'Humm - need to think about this - will respond later'.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Forum History

Thanks tim. I had been looking in there but didn't see track at all!!

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