How to Apply a Line Item Discount
Submitted by Yuri on Mon, 20/11/2017 - 12:08
I've just upgraded from 1.7.1 to 1.9.3 over the weekend. Initial thoughts are that it seems that there are more clicks to do anything (I thought the plan was to go the other way!).
I'm disappointed to see that there is still no invoice line item rounding, and what makes this worse is that there is now no invoice line item discount field anymore so we can't even round by applying a discount.
Is there any way to apply a line item discount in order to get around the $nn.54 and $nn.16 invoice items? Product Price Rounding doesn't help when you bill out an injectable of, say 2.20ml at 0.70 per ml -> $1.54.
Re: How to Apply a Line Item Discount
Line item discount - it is there but its display is controlled by the Disable Discounts checkbox in the Administration|Organisation|Practice Location records. This facility was added in 1.8 and is listed in
Since you jumped from 1.7.1 to 1.9.3 it is worth reading both the 'New in' and 'Implementation Checklist' pages for both 1.8 and 1.9
Invoice line item rounding - what sort of rounding do you want? 1.9 added Product Price Rounding - see and and
Note that you can tweak the Minimum Price in the Currency record to say $1 and thus get rid of most of those pesky cents. In Hong Kong we run with this set to $0.50 - ONLY because the government mandates that we charge $0.50 for plastic bags Otherwise we would run with $1.00 Minimum Price.
Regards, Tim G
Re: How to Apply a Line Item Discount
>Line item discount - it is there but its display is controlled by the Disable Discounts checkbox in the Administration|Organisation|Practice Location records.
Thank you. I did read the 1.9 documentation, but (mea culpa) will go back and read the 1.8 docs as well. I unchecked disable discounts, logged out/in then was able to apply the discount.
>Invoice line item rounding - what sort of rounding do you want? 1.9 added Product Price Rounding
Yep, I've implemented that so that individual items round to an even 10c - that works well with tablets and packets of stuff. The issue arises with injectibles. Example: an injectable has a price of $5.60/ml (I'll only consider unit- not fixed-price). I administer and invoice 0.3ml. Invoice amount is $1.68. I'd like that to round to $1.70. Currently I manually apply a "discount" of $-0.02, but would like it performed automagically. I'm using my older invoice templates which don't mention discount, so can't move to the newer invoices.
Re: How to Apply a Line Item Discount
Fractional quantities: humm - I see what you mean. I have a suspicion that automatically entering a discount to get rounding to the Minimum Price is not the way to go (because this will get added to the 'You have been given a discount of $$$" on the invoice). Better to add a Rounding field to the invoice itself which is set at finalisation time - and tweak the invoice to display the rounding amount if this is non-zero.
David Mason - if you read this can you consider adding to the discussion points foir the User Group meeting.
New/old invoices: I would strongly suggest that you at least have a play with the 1.9.3 invoice (and the other system documents) which use the new Letterhead facility. It does require a little work to set up, but once that is done you do not have to worry about upgrading the system documents (ie invoices etc). Yes I am biased because I built all the templates that use the Letterhead facility, but having implemented it in 3 practices it does save a lot of work - both if you want to change your letterhead (one update does all system documents) or if you need to revise the templates to take into account new features. I will admit that I have had to tweak the Letterhead jrxml for a practice that has a very long name - but in general most practices should not have to adjust the jrxmls but simply enter the required data in the Letterhead record.
Regards, Tim G
Re: How to Apply a Line Item Discount
> I would strongly suggest that you at least have a play with the 1.9.3 invoice (and the other system documents) which use the new Letterhead facility.
I must confess I haven't yet seen the need to change any of my invoices and other documents etc since setting them up years ago - we never give discounts so deleted that section from invoice.jrxml back in 2011-2012, but I'll get to looking at them once I get my head around the changes in OpenVPMS - for example, I used to have "Received" Investigations but now have 489 pages of Investigations that have reverted to "In Progress" and show "In Progress" on patient notes even though they've been received and dealt with. I don't relish the idea of having to work through '000s of Investigations to change them all to "Finalised". I've also found macros no longer work in places they used to, eg emails, visit reasons, etc.{used to love macros!}. Lots of reading to do to catch up on changes.