Prevent "Print Invoice" dialogue from appearing on customer/patient checkout


   Does anyone know of a way to prevent the "Print Invoice" dialogue appearing whenever a customer is checked out?  We would prefer to have this done manually, if a customer requests it.  We automatically print receipts.


I tried altering the Invoice Template "Preferred Print Mode" drop-down box to "None", but it seems to revert back to "Check-out".



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Re: Prevent "Print Invoice" dialogue from appearing on ...

The short answer is no.

The Print dialogue at Check-Out displays all unprinted charges and documents since Check-In (or the when the Invoice was created, whichever is earliest).

You can only suppress prompting for documents. This is done by editing their templates and setting the Preferred Print Mode to "Manual".


Re: Prevent "Print Invoice" dialogue from appearing on ...


  Thanks for your reply.  At least we know. Is it common practice in Australia to give a full printed invoice and receipt after each visit then?



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