Immediate print mode with Investigations

Hi everyone,

We have just started using Investigations with our labs (yes we are very behind). 

When an Investigation is linked to a document template which has the Preferred Print mode = Immediate, is the expected behaviour that the print job is automatically fired like when a document is linked to the Product? This doesn't seem to be happening for us. Staff need to go into Patient->Medical Records->Documents and print the request form from there.




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Re: Immediate print mode with Investigations

Immediate printing for investigations isn't supported.

You can use the Print Form button in the Investigation. It is displayed in the Investigation when charging, after Apply has been pressed.
It needs to be done after the invoice is saved so that the form can include the investigation identifier which is only allocated on save.


Re: Immediate print mode with Investigations

Thanks for that clarification Tim.


Two reduce-the-clicks questions for the users;

a) How many people alter details in the Investigation popup that occurs after a product/service with an associated Investigation is billed? We always just click OK. 

To eliminat this click, what if an Product-Investigation  link had the option "Interactive" which when unticked, skipped this pop-up?


b) Consider an an Invoice containing products with linked Investigations, which in turn have linked documents. For example,  a lab test service with a submission form. Would it be useful that when the invoice was saved (ie. User presses "OK" or "Apply") the User was prompted to print any associated forms? Or if the linked template was set to "Immediate" that the forms just printed automatically?




Re: Immediate print mode with Investigations

Yeah - this is an extra step for us as well. For our external lab tests we would want an immediate pop up, for internal. No. So as long as this could be customised it would be a handy work thing to have.customized

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