Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Would anyone see a benefit in having the next page arrows at the bottom of the medical records screen as well as the top?









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Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Hi Bernie,

Which arrows do you mean? In Patients->Medical Records->Summary?

Matt C

Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Yes the arrows at the top of the summary page. I guess it would be cool if they were at the bottom of the page so when you have scrolled to the bottom of page 1 when you clicked for the 2nd page it took you to the top of the second page.

Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Hi Bernie,

Which arrows do you mean? In Patients->Medical Records->Summary?

Matt C

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Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Hi Bernie,

I think what would be a great user interface enhancement would be on every table or display where you have the ability to filter, navigate and scroll, the filter, navigation controls, and in the case of tables, the table headings where static and only the content scrolled.



Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Hi Tony,

I think you mean it would be like freezing panes in excel? If so I think that sounds like a plan.


Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Hi Bernie and Tony,

Like this suggestion of having filters etc fixed and only having content scroll.

Anyone else?

Matt C

Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Hi All,

I am for this fixed bar idea as was done for appointments - I thoughty when that was talked about and changed it was going to roll through the whole system but maybe it got lost in the forums??


Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

I thought this had been discussed and was all ok also??


Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

I do remember this being discussed but I can't find a project relating to it.

I have created one here.

and asked Tim to comment on cost.


I can only think of the Patients -> Medical records are being applicable. Are there other areas I have forgotten?

Matt C

Re: Medical Records Arrows for Next/Prev page

Also that last link was wrong.

is the link to the new project.


Matt C

Fixed Filters in medical records (From Users Meeting)

From the recent meeting:   

This feature still has good support from users.

o        The developers have actually reviewed the feature (the editor of this agenda had some out of date info!) and given two options.

o        It should be noted these only apply to Medical Records. It was discussed if it should be applied to all areas and Tim advised this would be “non-trivial”, in other words A LOT of work. So Medical records are the main focus now.

o       Option 1: $520 but might result in some wasted space in the screen as Tim will need to guess the space to leave for the filters.

o       Option 2: $1510 Will result in less wasted space but is more expensive.

Let us know what you think

Re: Fixed Filters in medical records (From Users Meeting)

Option 1 - We are not sure how much screen would be lost - would there be a proposed amount of space to get an idea?

We would like to imagine the screen looking as it does now but scrolling under the headings rather than getting to the bottom and having to scroll back up to go to next page.


Bernie & Jannine

Re: Fixed Filters in medical records (From Users Meeting)

It just means that depending on your screen resolution. font and browser, there might be some area of the screen unused.

The proposed changes don't include fixing the table headings - just the search and navigation areas.


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