Product Links not working


I've noticed the links for products aren't working. When you click on the blue link it takes you to products, but no longer into the actual product you were wanting to view. As a result you have to type the product details in.  Is this a problem with the latest release?


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Re: Product Links not working


I've noticed the links for products aren't working. When you click on the blue link it takes you to products, but no longer into the actual product you were wanting to view. As a result you have to type the product details in.  Is this a problem with the latest release?


Re: Product Links not working

Its a limitation of the new product workspace which unfortunately limits the usefullness of the product links.

I'll see if I can come up with a a workaround.


Re: Product Links not working

That would be great - Thanks Tim!


Re: Product Links not working

Yes that would be helpful.



Re: Product Links not working

This has been fixed in the 1.5-beta-3 release.


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