Worklist Clinician


We've noticed that when we change day on our hospital worklist, the clinician sometimes (not always) changes from the proper clinican to the person that made the appointment (often nurse as this is what our default reception log in is.

I've attached a document with the screenshots of today and tomorrow. I'm not sure if you can read it too well as my computer going very slowly and making screenshots difficult.

We've also noticed that sometimes on the schedule the clinician on our screen is not the clinician but the person who made the appointment (again often nurse). If you double click on the appointment and press ok it will update to the clinician.

Maybe it is just the macro in my coding on worklist view, which is:

concat(substring(openvpms:get(., ''),0,20),' - ',
 substring(openvpms:get(., ''),0,15),' - ',  
 '(',openvpms:get(., 'patient.objectReference')/id,')', '\n',
 openvpms:get(., ''),'\n',

Any ideas?


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Re: Worklist Clinician

This is a known bug. The fix will be available in the next release.




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