New feature request: Clinician(s) responsible Patient tab

Hi all,

We have patients who have ongoing problems for which they have a specific team of clinicians assigned.

When our reception team is taking a call and deciding for whom a call is to be assigned (or even if a call back or a consult is required) they have to jump into the medical records and look for notes. Some clinicians hijack the Problem and set a future dated Problem with their name on it but it makes histories look dodgy and is intermittently applied.

We would like;

- A Clinicians tab in the Patient that allows active Clinicians to be associated with a patient (with start and end dates).

- For the clincian associated to have a short text Reason field with the association.

- For current (association within current date) clinicians to be listed in the Summary view.


Would anyone else with multivet clinics find this useful?



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Re: New feature request: Clinician(s) responsible Patient tab

If there is only a small number of responsibilities you want to highlight, you could use Patient Alerts for this. These will appear in the Appointment editor and patient summary.

E.g., given Patient Alert Types:

  • Clinician (Diabetes)
  • Clinician (Anal Glands)

clicking on the alert will display the clinician.

Re: New feature request: Clinician(s) responsible Patient tab

We implemented exactly this last week Tim.

You should be a systems consultant :-)

Thanks so much.



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