Patient Alert Type
This screen allows you to create/view/edit the details for Patient Alert Types.
The fields are as follows:
Name - the Alert's name
Description - the Alert's description
Reason - a default reason. This will be copied to the Reason field of the Patient Alert
Priority - can be set to High, Medium or Low. If there are too many alerts for the display space, higher priority ones get preference.
Mandatory Alert - if ticked, Patient Alerts with this alert type will be displayed in a popup window, when a patient is selected that has the alert. Users must acknowledge the alert. Acknowledgement is only required once in a 24 hour period.
Colour - used to set the colour used for the alert. You use the mouse to select the colour via the colour and luminosity/hue boxes.
Duration - used to specify a default duration for alerts. Leave empty if alerts shouldn't have an end date
Interactive - if ticked, a Patient Alert editor will be displayed when products that link to the alert type are invoiced.
Class - an optional classification for the alert. OpenVPMS provides two types by default, Allergy and Aggression. (These are set via Administration|Lookups|Patient Alert Class.) Patient alerts with these classifications will be sent to HL7 interfaces, and Smart Flow Sheet.
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the alert type