patient.entity.description - undocumented Mergefield?

Fossicking through the supplied forms and documents that come with openVPMS, I stumbled across

I tested this in a patient form and it appears to be "sex + colour + breed + (Microchip: microchip)",
eg "Male Blue Australian Cattle Dog (Microchip: 956000001111234)". 

As it's not listed in the document on merging data, nor can I find it mentioned anywhere on the forum following a search, I'm wondering if it's still a valid (and useful) merge field or whether it's been deprecated.



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Re: patient.entity.description - undocumented Mergefield?

Nope - its still there. It corresponds to the "description" node in the "party.patientpet" archetype. You can see what nodes are available by looking at the archetype in the Administration -> Archetypes workspace.

When you see openvpms:get(., "patient.entity.description") in a report, it means that it will look up the value of "patient.entity.description" relative to the current object (the "."). In this case, the current object is an act (e.g, "act.customerAccountInvoiceItem")   

The string refers to 3 nodes:

* "patient"  - this is a "participation.patient"
* "entity" - this is the "entity" node of "participation.patient" and links to a "party.patientpet"
* "description" - this is the "description" node of "party.patientpet"

Similarly, "" refers to 3 nodes:
* "customer" - this is a "participation.customer"
* "entity" - this is the "entity" node of "participation.customer" and links to a "party.customerperson"
* "name" - this is the "name" node of the "party.customerperson"

And finally, "". You often see "target...." in sub reports.In this case:
* "target" - is the target act in an act relationship
* "product" - is a "participation.product"
* "entity" - is the "entity" node of "participation.product" and links to a product. This will be one of: "product.medication", "product.merchandise", "product.service", or "product.template"
* "name" refers to the "name" node of the product


Re: patient.entity.description - undocumented Mergefield?

What a find! That will be heaps easier than typing in the four different merge fields.

Thanks Yuri.


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